Caution money for glasses

A deposit of €2.00 € (regular glass) or €4.00 € (wine glass) is payable on first collection of the glass. The wine glass can only be collected and exchanged at the Dionysos wine stand.

Event venue

Mejca Park is located close to the new part of Idrija and about 1 km from the centre. It is a popular recreational and social spot.

How to pay?

Purchase in cash from the provider of your choice; most providers allow card payments via POS terminals.

Waste and waste containers

Use the waste containers that will be placed at the venue and observe the labels on the recycling containers.

Free parking

Free parking in the immediate vicinity of the venue in the Barbara car park, in the parking garage or in the car park at the stadium/Tuš supermarket.


Enjoy a green environment surrounded by a rich cultural heritage. With live music, an accompanying programme and a children’s programme, you won’t be bored.